Creating a Supabase Project

Overview of Supabase:

Supabase is an open-source alternative to Firebase that offers database management, authentication, real-time functionalities, and more. This guide will help you set up a new project in Supabase

Sign Up or Log In

  • Navigating to Supabase:

  • Creating an Account:

    • You can register using an email, Google, GitHub, or other available methods. Follow the prompts to create a new account.

  • Verification:

    • If prompted, verify your email to activate your account.

  • Accessing the Dashboard:

    • Once logged in, you will be directed to your Supabase dashboard.

Creating a New Project

Starting a Project:

  • From the dashboard, click "New Project".

Setting Up:

  • Enter your project name.

  • Select a server region that is closest to your users to reduce latency.

  • Set a secure database password and make sure to copy it somewhere as it will be needed later.


  • Wait for Supabase to set up your project. This process may take a few minutes.

Copy The Important Keys:

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL: The unique URL to your Supabase project.

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY: Public anonymized key for client-side usage.

  • SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY: Service role key for backend usage.


  • Locating the Database URL:

    • Click on the connect button in the right corner and copy the database URL below.

Database URL Details

  • Database URLs:

    • For the database URL, we will have the same URL but one will be used for the direct database access, and one for:

      • SUPABASE_DATABASE_URL=postgres://your-db-user:your-db-password@your-db-host:6543/your-db-name?pgbouncer=true

    • The URL in SUPABASE_DATABASE_URL must include ?pgbouncer=true and the host should be your-db-host:6543 to avoid errors when using with Prisma.

Configuring Environment Variables

  • Saving Your Configuration:

    • Copy the following information:






    • Paste these into the .env file you created in the previous step. Ensure you include the database password you copied earlier in the SUPABASE_DATABASE_URL.

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